Thursday, February 1, 2018

14 Days of Love: Day 1 | Diet Pepsi

It's finally February! One of my favorite months of the year because: a) January is over. b) its short. c) we get to celebrate love and my anniversary specifically!

I thought it would be a fun little thing to start 14 days of LOVE blogging challenge where I share something I love on my blog every day until Valentine's day. If anyone wants to join me either on their own blog, on Instagram, on Facebook, whatever, feel free to share what you love for the next 14 days! I love hearing about what makes other people happy and products people can't live without!

First things first (I'm the realest) I feel a need to express my love of Diet Pepsi. I'm a full-blown addict. There is just something so freaking good about a large fountain pop of cold Diet Pepsi. There really is nothing better! I have tried hard to wean myself off of it, to stop my addiction, but it always comes back to the fact that I just don't want to. I go back and forth between drinking caffeine free and just normal (because you can't get caffeine-free Diet Pepsi in fountain form pretty much anywhere) and I can taste a difference but don't really have a preference either way. I try to limit myself by not having any before noon. Idk why I did that but I've had that rule for years and I've stuck to it. 
In case you were wondering, Speedway by Parker's work at the hospital has the best Diet Pepsi because you can add a little splash of vanilla to it. He brought one home for me one day and it was like Christmas. My mouth waters just thinking about it. Sam's Club near our house has caffeine free fountain Diet Pepsi and it is soooo good. The Sam's Club near my work does not have the caffeine free option which is a real bummer. The Get-Go gas station by my work at the dance studio has really good pop, too, so sometimes I'll stop there on my way to work if I need a little pick me up. For Christmas, my father-in-law wrapped up a single can of Diet Pepsi and on it, it had a photo of five 24-can cases of Diet Pepsi in front of our Christmas tree at home in Ohio. Such a fun and thoughtful gift and fun to come home to! 
The beach, the sun, and a cold Diet Pepsi. It does not get any better!

Let's talk about the burn for a second. I. Love. The. Burn. That is probably what I crave the most. I can handle not having caffeine, it's the carbonation that I need. You know when you crack open a cold one (loling at myself rn) and you take the first swig and it burns so good going down your throat? Almost to the point of making your eyes water? That feeling brings me immense joy. 
This was me with a Diet Pepsi Parker found in the airport going home from our sailing trip. It was 10 days without any Diet Pepsi so I was quite happy to have one in my possession for the flight home. 
Me in my Pepsi shirt. I wear it probably at least once a week. 

So there you have it. Day 1 of things I love for the next 14 days is all about Diet Pepsi. Can they sponsor my life already? 

It's officially 12:10 pm so cue the sound of a can being cracked open. What's your drink of choice? I won't judge. 

To read about the other things I love, click HERE!

xoxo, Chelan


  1. #1... I want those jeans.
    #2... should actually be #1, I love you.
    #3... this is such a fun idea. I'm trying to decide if I have the motivation to join!?!!?!!?!!?!!!

    1. You are the best and I love you, too! YES!! Join me!!
