Thursday, May 28, 2015

Goodbye Provo

So long, farewell, I hate to say Adieu! Well its official people, we are leaving Provo tomorrow. I cannot believe that it has been 4.5 years since I first moved here!! As much as I disliked living so far from home and family, I can say that my time here in Provo has been soooo good and I am going to miss it here. As our moving date has been fast approaching, I've found myself reflecting on the last 4.5 years here and its all leading up to a very bittersweet goodbye. I have learned so much and changed a lot over the last few years and I wouldn't trade my time here for anything!

In Provo I learned to live with girls (that aren't my sisters) and to deal with the drama.
In Provo I grew up a little bit.
In Provo I realized that money doesn't grow on trees, unfortunately.
In Provo I made some of the best friends!
In Provo I learned that growing up in a town that only had two fast food places is probably what kept me thin even more so than dancing everyday.
In Provo I became a better dancer.
In Provo I experienced being a super sports fan and got on ESPN.
In Provo I learned that making memories and being spontaneous is usually worth it.
In Provo I learned that if I actually take the time to study and apply myself, I am smart.
In Provo I realized just how lazy I really am.
In Provo I grew closer to my family even though we've been physically apart for a long time.
In Provo I experienced what spring is supposed to look like!
In Provo I was thrown into the dating game and hated it right off the bat, unless it was a date with Parker, then I happily obliged.
In Provo I learned to rely on my own testimony.
In Provo I've learned that to stay close to my Heavenly Father, the little things really do make a big difference.
In Provo I fell in love with my best friend and we've begun a beautiful life together.

There is so much more I could add to the list but I'll stop there for the sake of our apartment that still needs to be cleaned before we leave. Parker and I don't know when we will be back so, don't you worry, we made sure to cover all our bases... We hit up J-dawgs, In-N-Out, Cafe Rio, Sodalicious, and The BYU Creamery in this last week haha As Parker and I were sitting in the creamery the other day, we realized that we probably won't be back for another 20 years when our future children start attending our alma mater. I can just picture it.. Us going to all of those restaurants again within a short amount of time, reminiscing about the shenanigans we got into during our days at BYU! I'm already excited to come back and we haven't even left.

With all of that being said, bring on the next chapter of our lives!!
*We still don't know where, exactly, the next chapter is taking place, but I'll post when I do!*

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