Friday, August 11, 2017

Me Time

Tonight I find myself with some unclaimed time which is super rare. Parker isn't home right now, the house is pretty much clean, I have finished work for the day and I don't have any other commitments or things to check off my to do list. So I'm just wondering what YOU would do if you had a few hours of time to yourself. What is your favorite way to spend your extra time?
Image via Pinterest

Here are a few of my favorite things to do when I have down time to myself:

+ Have a bath. There is something so soothing about relaxing in a hot bubble bath. Unfortunately, our tub right now is rather small and I don't like it when I can't fit my whole self under the water at once lol. Someday I'll have a giant tub that I can completely relax in!

+ Read. I love reading and I feel like there is never enough time to just read for hours on end. And sadly, reading is never a priority.

+ Scrapbook. I love getting my creativity on and scrapbooking but this is often one of the last things I do because it does take quite a bit of prep and I don't usually have hours upon hours to get all my photos printed and pages done.

+ Paint my nails. I've become pretty fond of painting my nails over the years. I have an LED light and I love that I can give myself a dang good gel manicure right from the comfort of my own home.

+ Blog. I actually really enjoy writing. I started to like writing my senior year of high school and I thoroughly loved the English classes I took at BYU which surprised me because, until then, I don't recall liking it much.

+ Watch TV or a movie. I haven't been much into TV these days. I have been working on my Personal Progress with the YW and we have a month long integrity experience that we are all doing. So many shows on Netflix right now are inappropriate so I'm trying really hard to be better at 'practicing what I preach'. If you have any shows that you like that aren't nasty, let me know! I could use a new one!

+ Sleep. If it wasn't so late, I would have a nap because I love sleeping. But I'm not tired enough to go to bed yet.....

+ Pin. I freaking love Pinterest. We should be Pinterest friends. You can find me on Pinterest HERE.

So tell me, if you were me and had a few hours of time to kill, what would you do with it? Go!

Image via Pinterest
Some flowers for your Friday. Have a great weekend, everyone!

xoxo, Chelan


  1. Love this list! Reading is something I also wish I made more of a priority because I love it.
    During my lunch breaks this week I've been going on walks rather than sitting and playing on my phone. It's been so nice to get out!

    1. That's such a good idea! I've been lacking in the exercise department lately (whoops!) so I'll add this to my list! I do love a good walk 💙. Thanks, Rachel!
