Thursday, January 19, 2017

Document Life

So we all know by now that I'm an avid "life documenter." I have a blog, an Instagram account, a Facebook account, a Twitter account, a journal, a memory planner, I scrapbook, I Chatbook, etc. I've tried all sorts of methods and really do love them all. There is something about recording my life that just makes me giddy!

One of my goals for the new year is to study the Book of Mormon more. For Christmas, I received an amazing Book of Mormon study guide/doodle journal that you can find here. I'm LOVING it! It makes me look forward to studying the scriptures every day rather than dreading it. As I was studying today, I was reading in 1 Nephi 1:17 where it says,

"But I shall make an account of my proceedings in my days. Behold, I make an abridgment of the record of my father, upon plates which I have made with mine own hands; wherefore, after I have abridged the record of my father then will I make an account of mine own life."

The prompt in the study guide at this point was to read verses 15-17 and choose one phrase or word that stood out to me, to doodle that word or phrase, and to write about why it stood out to me. The words "I make an account of mine own life" really hit me today for a few reasons.

+ Where would I be if Nephi hadn't recorded his history? What would have become of the Book of Mormon? Would it have even become a thing?

+ I thought about how difficult it would have been to record one's life back then. Using golden plates or plates of brass couldn't have been an easy way to journal. I also thought about how easy it is to record one's life now.

+ I started to think about all the things that went into writing the Book of Mormon, preserving it, and translating it, publishing it, and look at where it is today!!

I left my scripture study this morning feeling so much gratitude to all of the people who played a part in bringing the scriptures about. I also feel so much gratitude for my grandparents for keeping our family history - specifically my Nana.

About a month ago, we did a Young Women's activity where we talking about record keeping and I asked my Nana to share with me her testimony of keeping our own history since she is probably the most dedicated record keeper I know (I mentioned her scrapbooking in this post). I shared her testimony with the girls and she has given me permission to share it on my blog as well:

Dear Chelan, 34 years ago I took a class at BYU on preserving memories. The concept resonated with me and I determined then to keep our family history with pictures and written text so that our family could remember and enjoy the wonderful experience it is to be a family. Since that time and 106 scrapbooks later I believe in what I do more than ever. It was proven to me how much this written record means even to the youngest members of our family. When you and Craig were little you used to want to look at the books and when you would find a picture of yourselves you would ask, "What did you write about me, Nana?!" That has really not changed much over the years. As family members look at the books, they pass by the pages looking for pictures of themselves and then love reading how Nana and Pumpa have described the events of their lives but more importantly what has been recorded about them! Most important though, it is for the children to know and feel how much they are loved by their Nana and Pumpa. Keeping this record allows the family to revisit favorite memories of trips, family events, milestones in their lives and just the details of family living. It is important to Pumpa and me to make sure through our writing that our children and grandchildren know they are loved, know what beautiful characteristics and acts of service and accomplishment makes us proud of them. It is also so very important that our testimonies are recorded and the special feelings that we have about time spent together with family and individuals that we love so very much. Not long ago I read an experience written by President Eyring. He said, “ He had been coming home late from a church assignment and noticed his father-in-law crossing over the yard in his work clothes carrying some pipe over his shoulder. Elder Eyring knew that his father-in-law had been building a system to pump water out of a nearby creek up to their property. He thought about the service that his father-in-law was giving to their family. As he went to open the door, he heard in his mind, not in his own voice - these words “I'm not giving you these experiences for yourself. Write them down." In the house President Erying took paper and began to write. As he did he understood the message he had heard in his mind. “I was supposed to record for my children to read, someday in the future, how I had seen the hand of God blessing our family. Grampa didn’t have to do what he was doing for us. But he was serving us, his family in the way covenant disciples of Jesus Christ do. I knew that was true and so I wrote it down, so that my children could have the memory some day when they would need it.” That is what I feel, Channy! Someday, something written in our history will be what our children will need to strengthen them and bless their lives!
Nana's 106 scrapbooks (you can't even see all of them in one photo)!

YOU GUYS! I feel this SO strongly today! Take more pictures. POST more pictures (really, who gives a rats butt about overgramming?!! Who decided that that is even a thing? So stupid). Write things down. Buy that cute journal and pencil from the Target dollar spot and dedicate it to the funny things your toddler says each day. Download a new app that gives you prompts for journal entries. Insert shameless Chatbooks plug here lol but seriously, it's the easiest record keeping method evvver and totally affordable. Not to mention SO CUTE! AND then you have your memories in a tangible book rather than on your phone - major bonus points if you are a Chatbooker (I can give you a discount code if you are interested so hit me up)! Invest in some scrapbooking supplies. Try the Project life method. Get a darling planner that includes little prompts. Create a blog. Try all of these different methods until you find something that works for YOU!

How sad we will be when we are old and our memories are failing us (mine already is and I'm not even kidding in the slightest) and we have forgotten all of the amazing things we were able to do with our lives or even just the little things that made us smile? Document the good and the bad, and the in between. Share the important things and the trivial things. You never know how your words will impact someone else someday just like Nephi's words impacted me today!

The time to record our lives is right now while we are living them! Let's be honest... our personal histories probably won't be the keystone of any religion, but they will be SO appreciated and SO treasured for generations to come. 
Image via Pinterest.

So, how are you documenting life?

xoxo, Chelan

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