Monday, October 10, 2011

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving

There are so many thoughts bouncing around in this head of mine.

This week has been a difficult one.

I have been selfish.

I have been feeling sorry for myself.. I'm hormonal and emotional. forgive me for being a girl.

My family is enjoying quarter pieces of pumpkin pie and I'm here. eating sandwiches.

I didn't get to go out to Beazer this year.. my first year not going. tragic really.

I didn't get the two thanksgiving dinners that I usually do.

How selfish can I get? seriously. Here I am complaining about not getting the two huge feasts that I normally get and there are people in this world that have never even had a feast in their lives, not to mention two in one weekend.

I've learned a lesson this week. I need to think more about the real reason of thanksgiving... and its just that. to give thanks. I am so blessed. I get an overwhelming surge of emotions every time I begin to think about all that I have to be grateful for. There are so many things!

My family. I have THE best family for me. I couldn't ask for a greater group of people to call my own.

That families can be together forever. How incredibly awesome is that? I can't think of anything I would want more than to be with the ones I love for time and all eternity. That just sounds so perfect does it not?

Food. I love food.

My healthy, fully capable body. As a dancer, I think about this a lot. I am so grateful to have the body that I do and that I get to use it to do my favorite thing in the whole world. Who would I be without dance? Dance kinda sorta defines me. I can't imagine a life with out it.

The nice, warm bed(s) I have. The one here at Liberty Square and also my nice comfy big bed at home... mmmm I miss that thing haha

The amazing friends that I have. I just love my friends so much and I'm so lucky to have the friends that I do.

I'm so blessed to be able to go to school here at Brigham Young University. Its the perfect place for me. I belong here. Although being away from family is hard, especially this week, I feel like I am learning so much and how awesome is that?

The gospel. Its just the most amazing thing on this earth. It really is. I don't even want to think about what kind of life I would be living if I didn't have the gospel.

Parker David. He just spoils me so much. Did you know that I got an email today? Yes ladies and gents. my first email. Believe it or not, I had a feeling that I would get an email today.. sometimes I get feelings like that. Like when I got my first period. haha I knew something was going to happen that day haha  anyway, this email was such a lovely surprise. That boy knows me. Its incredible. I love him.

I'm grateful for letters. and the postal system. even though it kinda takes a while sometimes. It has brought me some of the greatest joys lately!

Diet Pepsi. I'm definitely grateful for that fo sho. That stuff is golden!

I'm grateful for Tessa mayface. She's my bestie. I love her to death and I'm grateful to be able to have her in my life. and lets not forget hordy hord. and also Breezie. They are great. I miss them everyday. But I'm so happy that they are my friends. Besties for life yo!

gah and lets not forget things like running water. tv. toothpaste. clothes. cameras. chocolate. cookies. ice cream. computers. music. skype. and all those little things that make life a little bit more fun.

Blahh Its hard to mention all the things I have to be grateful for and I don't want to leave anything out but that list would just get way too long.

just fyi, if you didn't understand that from this post... a lotta blab and no pictures I know. so here is my little thanksgiving gift to you. whoever you may be. syd the sloth is gracing the blog!

I'm syd. Tess kinda resembles them otters from PB&J. that kid tv show from a while ago!


  1. except for the tragic picture at the end, this was a FANTASTIC post and I feel so aware of ALL my wonderful blessings lately too. Life is good and I am glad you can realize all you have to be thankful for too Chanalann <3

  2. ahhh i just love you chelanner lan. and i'm grateful for you too :) just the best lil roommate/friend i ever did have.
