Friday, September 30, 2016

The final #blogtember post: Humans of New York

Some may say that I slacked off for the last half of the #blogtemberchallenge posts, but in all honesty, I wasn't feeling super inspired by a lot of the last few prompts. Rather than write about things I'm not super passionate about, I decided to just pick and choose the few that came more easily. This last prompt, though, was not easy for me. When I first came across the #blogtemberchallenge, I glanced at all the prompts and specifically remember reading the one for today's date and thinking, nah. That sounds too hard. It's too intimidating. But the last few days I have been thinking about it more and more and I had to participate!

The prompt for September 30th is: Picture this, you've been stopped on the street by the photographer of Humans of New York, and he asks, "What advice would you give to a large group of people?" Share a picture of yourself along with the advice.

If I were stopped on the street by the photographer of Humans of New York, I would like to think that I would say...

I know that God lives. I know that we are all His children. I know that He knows each and every one of us personally and that He really, truly cares about us. I know that He loves ALL of His children. I know without a doubt in my mind that He loves me. And I know that everyone can come to this knowledge for themselves!

A great place to start learning this for yourself is happening this weekend and it's one of the greatest weekends of the entire year! LDS General Conference is the full of incredible speakers giving the most uplifting talks. I always come away from General Conference feeling refreshed and inspired! Feel free to tune in to one or all four of the sessions by clicking HERE! I promise you that you will not regret it!

Image via

The General Conference schedule is as follows: Saturday and Sunday, October 1 and 2, at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. (MDT). There is also a special meeting for men happening on October 1 at 8:00 p.m. (MDT) and there was an amazing meeting held for women last Saturday that can be watched or read here!

Be sure to let me know which talks are your favorite if you do tune in! I would LOVE to hear your thoughts!

xoxo, Chelan

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